Dirk Gerritsen

The global section

Welcome to the English subsection of this website. Many of my teaching and research endeavours are conducted in the international field. A summary of my teaching and research activities is displayed below. For more information, please contact me at d.f.gerritsen@uu.nl.


Teaching and training

My main position is at the Utrecht University School of Economics. I coordinate the courses International Investment Management (3rd year Bachelor) in the regular Economics and Business Economics bachelor program, and Accounting for law students (2nd year Bachelor). In addition, I am involved in teaching the Summer School course on Portfolio Management. Next to these regular courses, I supervise both Bachelor´s and Master´s theses.

Apart from my position in Utrecht, I have been teaching in several programs for students both at the Undergraduate and the Graduate level, but also on the Executive level. See the full list below.

  1. University
    • Radboud University Nijmegen: International Investment Management [full course]
    • Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (South Africa):Investment Management in the Honours program
    • Stellenbosch University (South Africa):Finance for undergraduates
  2. University of Applied Science
    • Kofi Annan Business School: Financial Management [full course]
    • Inholland: Corporate Finance and Corporate Governance
  3. Executive education
    • Hult Business School (UK) (top-100 position in the global FT MBA ranking): Financial Management module within the Executive MBA program (joint teaching with Arie Buijs)
  4. Company training
    • &Samhoud: Fundamentals of finance and accounting training for juniors and mediors at this organization consultancy firm.

Next to the above institutions, guest lectures have been given at the Nyenrode Business University and Rhodes University (Grahamstown, South Africa).

Research (academic journals and practitioners journals)

I finished my PhD (titled: The relevance of security analyst opinions for investment decisions) in 2014. The focus of my research is the value of analyst recommendations.

My articles have been published in, among others, the Journal of International Money and Finance (in press), Investment Analysts Journal, and Annals of Tourism Research (forthcoming).

Articles in Dutch appeared in, among others, Economisch Statistische Berichten, Maandblad voor Accounting en Bedrijfseconomie, and VBA Journaal.

Next to research for academic journals, I conduct research and consequently write reports for other parties. Clients have been Euronext and the Province of North Holland, among others.

Further, on an annual basis I evaluate the value of security recommendations in the Netherlands. Results have, among others, been published on Mejudice (in Dutch).


Other activities

Editor for the quarterly journal of the Dutch association for investment professionals (VBA).

Member of the AEX Indices Steering Committee (click here for the rules of procedure).

Member of the Finance Committee of the SABIC Pension fund (until 2017).


Public appearances

Several research results have been covered in the national press. Interviews were given on the radio (Radio 1, Radio 2, BNR Nieuwsradio), television (RTL-Z, TV Kassa, RTV Utrecht) and to newspapers such as Het Financieele Dagblad and the Telegraaf. Both newspapers covered research results on their front page.


© Dirk Gerritsen